
SN Name of the project Donor Year Districts
1 Strengthening  seed traders through training, workshop for availability of  quality seed. NSAF/CIMMYT 2019 Project areas
2 Seed Production and Marketing KUBK/AEC 2019 KUBK Project areas
3 Seed regulation frame work and seed production and marketing KUBK/AEC 2018 KUBK Project area
4 NEAT/USAID 2012 Cross-country
6 Himalayan Seed Expo 2004 Asia Invest II, Nepal-Europe Seed Sector Alliance Programme 2004 Kathmandu
7 Vegetable Seed Trade Survey Nepal-Europe Seed Sector Alliance Programme 2003/04 Cross-country Highway
8 Vegetable Seed Trade Survey Agriculture Enterprises Centre 2000/01 Cross-country

Working Approaches

Work in partnership with local, national and international organizations.
Networking and alliance building with likeminded organizations for better outcomes.
Promote participatory program planning, implementation and monitoring system.
Build capacity of members and farmers for quality seed production and distribution, good governance and advocacy.
Raise economic status of farming communities, including women, poor, dalit and marginalized janajatis through increasing their farm incomes through the use of high quality seed.
Documentation of lessons learnt and best practices for effective planning, formulation and reshaping of policies.
Maintain high level transparency and zero-tolerance corruption.

Operational Area and Programme

1. Gene Bank management
2. Seed/variety research and development
3. Inputs management
4. Quality seed production
5. Seed processing and storage
6. Seed packaging, marketing and distribution
7. Leadership/capacity and institutional development
8. Livelihood improvement
9. Seed market survey/research
10. Co-ordination and partnership
11. Seed database management
12. Policy advocacy
13. Assisting in formulating Seed Rules, Regulation and Directives
14, Publication and communication