Seed Entrepreneurs Association of Nepal (SEAN) is a non-profit non-governmental organization (NGO) registered under the Non-governmental Registration Act 1977 of the Government of Nepal (GoN) at District Administrative Office (DAO), Kathmandu on 25 March 1991. It was established by a group of seed producers, importers/exporters, distributors and experts in the field of seed sub-sector and it was affiliated to Social Welfare Council (SWC) on 7 April 2005 to fit it to the current seed development. The association is a member of FNCCI and APSA. It involves all relevant seed sub-sector actors including national and international companies to join hands in the sustainable supply of high quality seed of different crops at an affordable price to farmers for increasing yield. It also serves as a forum for the stakeholders to exchange their information and discuss on the pertinent issues of seed in the development of vibrant seed sub-sectors in the country. Currently, SEAN has around 600 members of highly experienced and dynamic institutional set up governed by 21 members’ executive boards representing from different parts of Nepal. For the commitment towards its working values and objectives and praiseworthy results, SEAN has gained trust and recognition in national as well as international platforms in shaping national policy and for promoting good governance practices. With encouraging responses from the community, line agencies, partner organizations and donors, SEAN is continuing its participatory approaches in designing, planning, implementation and monitoring/evaluation of project interventions.
SEAN will be nationally and internationally recognized association for facilitating quality seed business.
Facilitating business growth environment
Capacity building of stakeholder
Expand National and International Network
Goal :
One National Level workshop with 50 participants from Government/Line agencies and other related organizations
20 Training will organize
Membership Increase 1,000
Core value
RICH (Respect, Innovation, Commitment & Honesty
- Promote the use of high quality seed and planting materials that confirm to the national and international standards
- Advocate and lobby to harmonize the policy and transparent/equitable regulatory environment for the growth and development of seed industry in Nepal
- Create better interphase between the public and private sectors to discuss issues of  common interest, and provide business opportunities among the SEAN stakeholders
- Foster collaboration and partnership among seed value chain actors for their mutual benefits
- Represent the interest of members to share technical experiences in the national and international forum and facilitate Public Private Partnership
- Capacity development of its members engaged in seed production, distribution and trade leading to business and professional development of members
- Develop a database on the Nepalese seed production and trade
- Promote high standards of business ethics and facilitate the settlement of disputes among members
- Publication and communication of SEAN’s activities, including its success case stories
- Motivate and rewarding its members based on their work performances
Geographical Coverage
SEAN members are available in 54 districts in five development regions including terai and mid-hills. Headquarter of SEAN is located in Kathmandu